After School FAQ’s

Below are answers to some of our most common questions.

Don’t see the answer you’re looking for? Contact us, here!

  • We do a walking pick-up from the following schools:

    • Independence Charter School 

    • McCall Elementary School 

    • Greenfield Elementary School 

    • Russell Byers Elementary School 

    • Fanny Jackson Coppin Elementary School 

    • Folk Arts Cultural Treasures Charter School

  • If your child’s school is not on the pick-up list, you can still enroll in the After School program, however your child would need to be dropped off to us. 

    On the registration form, let us know the school name. If there is enough interest, we may consider adding it to our pick-up list!

  • Early release days are when the local school districts close early. Students from our list of schools will be picked up, unless we’re told otherwise.

  • After School Camp Days are offered when the local school districts are closed. No pick-ups. Students can be dropped off as early as 8:30 AM, or 8:00AM for an added charge.